Hey guys so I got this fnaf fan game idea! So what if I made a game like my Mario game, basically the game looks like a fan game but is actually a story about grief. So basically that. I started working on it so here's little image I made
The creations of a minor
Joined on 11/9/24
Posted by NemesisGrime - 3 days ago
Hey guys so I got this fnaf fan game idea! So what if I made a game like my Mario game, basically the game looks like a fan game but is actually a story about grief. So basically that. I started working on it so here's little image I made
Posted by NemesisGrime - 4 days ago
Yeah guys I am back and like I said I would return with a youtube video. Heres the link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1_5JQTuFKY
Posted by NemesisGrime - 3 weeks ago
Hey so I just bit into a bit of frigo string cheese and found a stringe transparent bit of thing it had lines and was a bit blury don't know if plastic or fly wing, do no have photo
Posted by NemesisGrime - 3 weeks ago
So I want to make something but I don't feel like working one the lamest battle 2 or any project I promised so give me random ideas you have that I can do, remember I can't make complex shit so give me good simple ideas and I will make them
Posted by NemesisGrime - 1 month ago
So since the first game for my contest came out I decided to make a review before I do the video. The game was made by @Jalex5, who is a pretty neat artist. 1st of all the game is way too simple, I like the concepts present, but due to there only being one animatronic it makes the 3 minutes you need to survive, feel like 5 years. 2nd the character design, it is bad. the main enemy is just a rectangle doing that one uwu(cringe) cat face. Overall I say that if the game had more stuff to do and maybe a bit more polish it could be a good game, but right now the game is ok. Also I redesigned epicman3125(I think I got the name wrong please correct me) to be a little cooler.
Posted by NemesisGrime - 1 month ago
remix this project(https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1118604189/), or dm me on New grounds or comment on my page (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/DeceptigonLeader/) 5/5 with YOUR game, not someone else.
We have 3 rulesĀ
1. Don't submit pass the date
2. Use your own work (we don't want another trtf)
3. Give it substance
Posted by NemesisGrime - 1 month ago
So it's been a while but I decided to remake a game based on a old game I made on a defunct scratch account
Posted by NemesisGrime - January 10th, 2025
I am cancelling 5. Why you may ask? Because I don't feel like making it anymore. But I will still be in hiatus
Posted by NemesisGrime - January 6th, 2025
I used to have depression, cus my parents beat me and I wandt smort. That was until I listened to YONK a beautyigfully mad etfhugusonhg hahahafuireuygrreffrhfhdfiue It made me addictyed to weed. so you should listenty to itte